Chad Gardner, Principal |
email: |
Kelley Clay, Secretary |
email: |
2621 Highway 229 |
Benton, AR 72015 |
Phone: 501-860-6796 |
Fax: 501-443-6341 |
Office Hours: 7:30 am to 3:30 pm |
Reminders from the Office
Please do not block the front parking spaces or the left lane in the morning if you are dropping off students. These are faculty parking and if they cannot park, then they are not able to come in to prepare for students.
Please make sure if your student is a car rider, they are picked up at the Back of the 5th/6th Grade Building in the afternoon. Middle School students are not to be picked up at the elementary car rider lines.
Please be prepared to show your photo ID when checking out your student or sending someone to check them out who is on the pick-up list. We have lots of new students and students that are growing so quickly that we may not recognize them and their guardians. We want to keep the safety of our students and staff always a top priority.
It helps if our students know their after school plans before arriving at school each day. If changes occur during the day, please notify our office before 2:30 pm so we are able to get the message to your child.
Box Tops for Education program is changing the way we can earn cash for our school! NO MORE CLIPPING!!!! Going forward, instead of clipping from packages and checking expiration dates, all Box Tops will be earned digitally by scanning your receipt. The Box Tops for Education team has worked hard to build a NEW and improved, user-friendly Box Top mobile app. Please download it be sure to select Harmony Grove Middle School during setup.
More information available at
Current Condition: few clouds
Temperature: 77.9ËšF
Feels Like: 77.79ËšF
Wind Speeds: 8.81mph
Weather humidity: 51%
Chance of Precipitation: %