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HS Counselor- Hollie Collatt

Harmony Grove HS Profile Sheet

Want to know about graduation requirements, credits needed to graduate, what courses are offered and what it takes to be an honor graduate? Click on More Info to find out.


See the flyer below about becoming a Youth Zoo Crew at the Little Rock Zoo.

College, Military, Apprenticeship Acceptance and Scholarship Money

Please send an email,, letting me know that you have been accepted into a college, trade school, military, or apprenticeship. If you have received a scholarship, whether you are planning on accepting it or not, send me the amount of the scholarship as well as if it is renewable. I would like to keep track of this information and post it.

Community Service hours

When you do community service you need to add it to the Community Service google form on this page. If you have a letter or certificate showing those hours, then please bring it to me.

Contact information if FAFSA help is needed!

Lavonne Juhl College Planning Services Manager Arkansas Student Loan Authority Division of the Arkansas Development Finance Authority 3801 Woodland Heights, Suite #200 Little Rock, AR 72212 800-443-6030 Main 501-682-1246 Direct 501-251-5650 Mobile 501-682-1262 Fax

Graphic for scholarship site

ACT Test Dates and Prices

Graphic for ACT test

Graphic for scholarship site

How am I going to afford college?
How do I find out if I qualify for financial aid?
When should I start applying for college?
When should I start looking for scholarships?
Where do I find reliable information about scholarships?
What kind of college entrance tests should I take?


We have done the research to answer these questions and so many more. The TASSELTime website provides pre-qualified websites, so you don’t have to spend numerous hours finding the sites and then wondering if the site is legitimate. We have taken the leg work out of the search so you can concentrate on completing the applications and information to actively pursue your future. We have helpful information and sites designed to help all students, starting as early as third grade and continuing through graduate school.

Once you review our website, we believe you will be convinced that we provide the most comprehensive college planning tool ever assembled, including scholarship, career, athletic, collegiate, military and career premier sites.  The TASSELTime site was created by a counselor and designed to help all students be successful in planning for the future.

Login Infomation

Username:  hgcardinals

Password:  gocardinals

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